


  • 主演:艾德蒙·奧布萊恩,麗莎貝斯·斯科特,泰瑞·摩爾  
  • 導演:亨利·萊文  
  • 分類: 恐怖片
  • 地區:美國
  • 年份:1951
  • 更新:2024-02-22
  • 簡介:  Brandy Kirby和邪惡的律師Vincent Mailer想通過偽造一個William和Maida McIntyre夫婦失散多年的兒子,來撈取好處。Brandy于是誘騙賭徒Lefty Farrell假扮這個兒子。McIntyre的侄女,喜歡Lefty,將他介紹了McIntyre夫婦,老夫婦很快相信了這就是Lefty他們的兒子,但老人卻不肯修改遺囑。Lefty不敢殺害McIntyre,而說穿了Mailer的騙局。(文:life_is_good@YDY)  Brandy Kirby and crooked Lawyer Vincent Mailer plan to rob William and Maida McIntyre by producing a convincing double for their long-lost son. Brandy charms gambler Lefty Farrell into impersonating the missing son. Kathy, the McIntyre's niece, who likes Lefty, introduces him to the McIntyres who soon become convinced he is their son, but the old man refuses to change his will. Lefty balks at killing McIntyre and exposes Mailer's attempted swindle. Brandy and Lefty end up together as "two of a kind."


  • 劇情介紹
  Brandy Kirby和邪惡的律師Vincent Mailer想通過偽造一個William和Maida McIntyre夫婦失散多年的兒子,來撈取好處。Brandy于是誘騙賭徒Lefty Farrell假扮這個兒子。McIntyre的侄女,喜歡Lefty,將他介紹了McIntyre夫婦,老夫婦很快相信了這就是Lefty他們的兒子,但老人卻不肯修改遺囑。Lefty不敢殺害McIntyre,而說穿了Mailer的騙局。(文:life_is_good@YDY)  Brandy Kirby and crooked Lawyer Vincent Mailer plan to rob William and Maida McIntyre by producing a convincing double for their long-lost son. Brandy charms gambler Lefty Farrell into impersonating the missing son. Kathy, the McIntyre's niece, who likes Lefty, introduces him to the McIntyres who soon become convinced he is their son, but the old man refuses to change his will. Lefty balks at killing McIntyre and exposes Mailer's attempted swindle. Brandy and Lefty end up together as "two of a kind."酷客影視收集自其他網站發布。)


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